Case study

Integrating grid services at the point of sale drives revenue growth

Integrating grid services at the point of sale drives revenue growth

“Integrating grid services revenue potential into our modeling tool allowed us to demonstrate the full potential value of battery projects to customers upfront. Featuring grid revenues from Leap in our models has helped us win deals we wouldn’t have won before and helped new deals get over the line.”

Quinn Laudenslager

Quinn Laudenslager

VP of Product, Energy Toolbase

VP of Product, Energy Toolbase

The Challenge

Energy Toolbase (ETB), a leading platform for modeling and deploying energy storage systems (ESS) and solar projects, recognized the increasing demand for virtual power plants (VPPs) and grid service participation among their solar and storage customers.

As the industry shifted towards leveraging energy storage assets for grid services, ETB needed a solution that would help their customers better understand and capture the financial benefits associated with these opportunities. Specifically, they were looking for a way to integrate this value into their project modeling and simulation capabilities, ensuring that customers could see the full, accurate revenue potential of participating in VPPs, and ultimately deliver higher-value projects with their ETB Controller and Acumen AI products.

The Solution

ETB has integrated Leap-powered grid services revenues into their project modeling tool, ETB Developer, allowing them to demonstrate the revenue potential of VPP participation upfront to customers at the point of sale. This added visibility has allowed ETB to deliver more precise and lucrative financial outlooks for their customers, leading to stronger project bids and increased sales of their advanced controls and monitoring platform.

This integration has enabled ETB Developer to enhance project simulations with real-time data, including actual building load profiles, utility rates and battery optimization strategies. This allows customers to factor in grid service revenues when evaluating projects, providing a competitive edge by showcasing the full, achievable value stack including the additional revenue streams.

About Energy Toolbase

Energy Toolbase is an industry-leading software platform that provides a cohesive suite of project modeling, storage control and asset monitoring products that enable solar and storage developers to deploy projects more efficiently. Over 1,000 U.S. DER organizations leverage ETB’s modeling platform that features single-click financing and purchase options.


5 MW
Project capacity unlocked through grid services to date.

Hundreds of proposals
Now generated by ETB's customers each month that include grid services revenue projection.

Furthermore, users can see where a grid services event took place in the simulation, making it easy and transparent for customers to visualize these activities and understand the direct correlation between VPP participation and revenue.

Projects that have been sold and constructed are now planning to participate in grid services, as the benefits are clearly visualized and easy to understand. ETB’s commercial and industrial (C&I) customers now generate hundreds of proposals each month that integrate grid services as a value stream. 

By enabling customers to add available grid services programs to their project pro forma, they can estimate additional revenue streams that would otherwise be overlooked. The ability to simulate demand response participation has resulted in a more compelling financial proposition at the point of sale.

The Challenge

Energy Toolbase (ETB), a leading platform for modeling and deploying energy storage systems (ESS) and solar projects, recognized the increasing demand for virtual power plants (VPPs) and grid service participation among their solar and storage customers.

As the industry shifted towards leveraging energy storage assets for grid services, ETB needed a solution that would help their customers better understand and capture the financial benefits associated with these opportunities. Specifically, they were looking for a way to integrate this value into their project modeling and simulation capabilities, ensuring that customers could see the full, accurate revenue potential of participating in VPPs, and ultimately deliver higher-value projects with their ETB Controller and Acumen AI products.

The Solution

ETB has integrated Leap-powered grid services revenues into their project modeling tool, ETB Developer, allowing them to demonstrate the revenue potential of VPP participation upfront to customers at the point of sale. This added visibility has allowed ETB to deliver more precise and lucrative financial outlooks for their customers, leading to stronger project bids and increased sales of their advanced controls and monitoring platform.

This integration has enabled ETB Developer to enhance project simulations with real-time data, including actual building load profiles, utility rates and battery optimization strategies. This allows customers to factor in grid service revenues when evaluating projects, providing a competitive edge by showcasing the full, achievable value stack including the additional revenue streams.

Furthermore, users can see where a grid services event took place in the simulation, making it easy and transparent for customers to visualize these activities and understand the direct correlation between VPP participation and revenue.

Projects that have been sold and constructed are now planning to participate in grid services, as the benefits are clearly visualized and easy to understand. ETB’s commercial and industrial (C&I) customers now generate hundreds of proposals each month that integrate grid services as a value stream. 

By enabling customers to add available grid services programs to their project pro forma, they can estimate additional revenue streams that would otherwise be overlooked. The ability to simulate demand response participation has resulted in a more compelling financial proposition at the point of sale.


5 MW
Project capacity unlocked through grid services to date.

Hundreds of proposals
Now generated by ETB's customers each month that include grid services revenue projection.